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What are the Benefits of Tea?

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Benefits of Tea

Benefits of Tea: We all drink tea time to time. But, do we really know the benefits of tea, and great things that tea can do for us? History of tea is old as centuries, but without knowing that we do throw the tea after we drink them.

Now, I do recommend you to read the “what is the benefits of tea” article before throwing your tea after you drink it.


6 Benefits of Tea

  • Let’s say, you have problems with your hairs like they are not shining as they used to. So what do you need to make them shine more and look healthy? Simple, do not throw your used tea leaves after you drink it. Boil some water with the used tea leaves you kept. Let it cool, and while having showers rinse your hair with that water after you wash it with shampoo. Use this water as your last rinse for your hair. You will feel the difference.
  • Do your feet smell like hell, no matter what you do? It’s ok, there is a way that you can stop this mass. That’s right! With the tea. All you need to do is, take a big container and fill it with the warm tea water and then let your feet rest it in for 10 minutes. Do this for 10 days, and after that, you will see that your feet will not smell like hell again.
  • Skin wounds! Do you need to clean your skin wounds? But you do not know how? That’s because you do not know benefits of tea. Even for this problem tea can be your answer. Ok, I’m going to tell you what to do. All you need is to take some cotton and dip it in the warm tea and clean your wounds with it. Tea will act as antibiotic and will help heal your wounds as fast as possible.
  • You have dinner at your home, too many people and you have to cook a lot of food. Well, you did clean some fish and cut some onions as well. Ok, the table looks perfect. But your hands don’t really smell that well! Alright, it has an easy solution too. Very easy, if you know benefits of tea; before you start cooking make sure you do boil some tea in the teapot and put it away for cooling, while you start cooking. The time that you do finish your cooking, your teapot will be cool. Then wash your hands with that whole pot of warm tea. You will see there is no more of that horrible smell in your hands.
  • Did you bite your tongue while you were eating? Now what? The answer is here in the benefits of tea. Just make sure you do let your tea cool and wash your mouth with it. Do this three times of day that so your tongue will be heal %75 faster.
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what is the benefits of tea

  • Your refrigerator smells bad? Then don’t throw your tea. Here is one of the benefits of tea. If you do use instant tea as in packs, tear the packs and take the used tea out. And let those tea dry well. Then put them on some plate and put the plate right in the middle of the refrigerator. You will say goodbye to bad smell right away.


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