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Reflecting Lifestyles of You

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When making decisions about decorating, consider your lifestyle as well as your feelings about how living environments should appear. You may be constrained by architectural features, but there are many ways to adapt them. Here what you need to know about having the right style for you;

Selecting a Style

All decorators are, in effect, presented with a blank canvas on which to work. When planning your creation, you will need to strike a balance between a look you like and the functions a room will serve. First resolve basic requirements, then make adjustments to style.

Maximizing Space
Space may well be at a premium if you live in a city dwelling. Consider an open-plan layout to help create a feeling of greater space or simply to make the most of the space that you have available. Light colors are more likely than dark shades to make a room feel spacious, especially if it has high ceilings. Think very carefully about the layout of and furnishings for an open-plan home. It can be challenging enough to coordinate the decoration of a small area. Take a creative overview of a large room that must serve multiple purposes. So take your time when making choices.

Recalling The Simple Life
Choose a country look for a kitchen to reflect a theme of uncomplicated living and promote comfort and relaxation in one of the busiest areas of the home. Reinforce this atmosphere by using a lot of wood, both painted and unpainted.

Adding an Ethnic Flavor
You can develop a theme with just a few details or create a complete replica of a regional style – be it local or from far afield. This Hispanic theme is simply produced with a little basic knowledge about the appropriate colors and designs.

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Being Thoroughly Modern
Modern decorative plans are often characterized as much by their selection of furniture, such as these striking chairs, as by their color scheme and choice of fabrics. A modern style is innovative, so you can give yourself scope to experiment and produce a style that reflects your own ideas.

Upholding Tradition
Many people feel comfortable with traditional decorative themes, like the classic look of this room. Tried and tested over the years, such styles are to a certain extent guaranteed to give a satisfying result. You can choose from a wide range of options and are likely to find a selection to suit your taste.

Style - Adding an Ethnic Flavor

Making Your Mark
• Adding to a look: There is no need to complete your decorative plan as soon as the main decorating job is completed. Collect and add accessories and ornaments over time until you feel you have achieved a total look.
• Creating a focus: The most successful decorative plans result from well-chosen focal points that draw attention to detail. Fireplaces, furniture, and pictures all fall into this category. However, do not clutter up a room and reduce the impact of such features. Minimalist decorative plans draw attention to focal points.
• Adapting a style: Take an established style and adapt it to suit you. This can be great fun and will add a touch of individuality. For example, include an extravagant material in a Shaker-style kitchen to contrast with the simple, practical designs.

Planning a Room Layout Carefully
When one room is to be used for a number of purposes, design the decor largely according to practical concerns. Here, split-level accommodation creates space by suspending the sleeping area above ground level. The choice of a few bright accessories, such as the mirror and the pillar support of the raised area, adds interest.
