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Skin Care For All Ages

Skin Care

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Skin Care

We read a lot of articles for skin care all over the web. But do we really know how to do skincare for our own age? Well, not all we know is right! And now, I like to share the things that I have to learn and get real help from.

In this skin care for all ages article, we will find out the right skin care for our own age. Also all the other details we really should know about skin care.

Skin Care At Age of 15 to 20

  • At this ages skin is very fresh and ready to be taking care of.
  • At this age try not to do a lot of makeup because you really don’t need it. You are already beautiful with your fresh skin.
  • No matter your age is the first thing is to be beautiful goes through from been clean.
  • Dermatological soaps are what you need to clean your skin two times a day. In the morning and at night before going to sleep. Just keep your face as clean as possible. If you have time clean your face 3 times of day.
  • If your skin is oily or mix skin then you need to use cleansing milk for your face.
  • To purify the dead skin using a quality mask for your face every week.

Skin Care At Age of 20 to 30

  • Two times of day we have to clean our face with the quality cleaning products.
  • After cleaning your face you gone need some product to tighten the skin.
  • Use some moisturize creams to keep your skin calm every day.
  • Make sure you don’t stay under the sun for long time.
  • To purify the dead skin use a quality mask for your face every week.
  • Use face lifting cream every day, for skin care.

Skin Care At Age of 30 to 45

  • At this age ladies need to be more careful because we are going to danger zone! We have to very careful with the makeup we do and how much smoke and alcohol we drink.
  • We are going to the no turning point. So we have to drink a lot of water. If possible drink 8 glass of water every day.
  • To purify the dead skin using a quality mask for your face every week.
  • If you can try to sleep 8 hours a day.
  • Keep your self from sunshine as much as you can.
  • Use face lifting cream minimum 2 times every day.
  • Use under-eye cream every night before go to sleep.
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Skin Care At Age Of 45 to 60

  • Yes ladies now we have to be really quit drinking and smoking. I know it’s easy to say but we really have to do our best for skin care. Even if we can’t stop all those stuff then we need to really drink a lot of water!
  • To purify the dead skin use a quality mask for your face every week.
  • We have to sleep 8 hours no matter what.
  • Use moisturize creams 3 times of day.
  • Keep your skin calm and don’t get stressed out.
  • Use under-eye cream every night before go to sleep.
  • Use face lifting cream 2 time every day.

Skin Care For All Ages

Have a good time.

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