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What is Urinary Incontinence? (incontinence definition)

What is Urinary Incontinence - incontinence definition

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Urinary Incontinence Definition

Countless people, mostly women, suffer from urinary incontinence for various reasons. Different people can experience this problem at various levels. So while some people deal with severe problems because of incontinence, some people only feel it in sudden movements. In this article, we will give brief information about the causes and treatment of this condition as well as incontinence definition. We think it will be enough for those who want preliminary information. For more information about treatment recommendations, you can also find detailed information on our website.

To give you a better idea about this problem, we are looking at incontinence definition and facts about urinary incontinence in this article. You can read what you need to about incontinence down below.

Urinary Incontinence Definition

Urinary incontinence, also known as just UI, is a medical condition where people can have problems with unintentionally releasing urine. For a simpler incontinence definition, it is a problem regarding holding your pee. But unlike what some people think, it is not always about complete urination without any control. It is a problem that you may experience at various levels.

Who Experiences Urinary Incontinence

Although both women and men can have this problem, statistically, the majority of the people who experience urinary incontinence are women. Biologically, the woman’s body is more prone to experience this problem because of factors like internal organ differences, hormonal shifts and events like giving birth. Therefore, as women get older, the risk of suffering from incontinence increases.

As we said earlier, incontinence can be experienced at different levels. Many women experience incontinence only when they make sudden movements like sneezing or laughing hard. And they may only lose a few drops. However, some women can lose a larger amount of urine they were holding in the same circumstances. Or worse, they may not be able to hold their urine when they feel an urge to pee. Unfortunately, some women experience both leaks in sudden movements and fail to hold it when they get the urge to urinate.

A Facebook Page About Incontinence: Urinary Incontinence

Reasons For Urinary Incontinence

There are various reasons that can cause different types of incontinence. Psychological, mechanical, microbial, or other reasons, all can be considered as separate categories.

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However, the most common reason for incontinence is having problems with bladder muscles or nerves. When these muscles get weaker, or uncontrollably active, it becomes difficult to hold your pee. Holding your pee too long, or not holding your pee at all for a long period of time can trigger such problems.

Certain milestones in women’s lives, such as menopause, pregnancy, and labor, put a lot of physical and hormonal stress on the bladder. These factors increase the risk of incontinence with age on women at much higher rates compared to men.

Obesity is also known to cause incontinence. It is mostly because of the pressure that the weight of the body fat puts on the bladder. This lowers the capacity of the bladder and makes it much harder to hold the liquid in for the sphincter muscles.

For More

You can read more about incontinence definition and various incontinence types by taking a look at our other articles on the topic. You can also learn how incontinence can be treated and what you can do to lower the risk of accidents. You can also follow us on social media to see our latest post on health issues and beauty tips.
