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How To Make Your Own Lip Balm at Home

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Make Your Own Lip Balm at Home

Lip balms are products that are used for lip care and moisturizing. They are indispensable products for women. You don’t need to buy them anymore.

You can make your own lip balm! You do not need special ingredients, most of them are available in your kitchen. This makes it more economical. Let’s take a look how to make your own lip balm at home.

How To Make Your Own Lip Balm?

Materials That You Need
1.5 teaspoons of wax
Two teaspoons of coconut oil
One teaspoon Cocoa butter
Three teaspoons olive oil
empty tube

Preparation to Make Your Own Lip Balm

The double boiler method is used for making your own lip balm. Boil water in a large pot. You will use this water to melt other ingredients by double boiler method. Place the smaller bowl into the water you are boiled. Take wax, coconut oil, cocoa butter, and olive oil; pour into this pan and melt. After the mixture completely melts; pour it into the tubes and wait for cooling. When this mixture frost, your balm is ready to use!

How To Make Your Own Vanilla Lip Balm?

Materials That You Need
Two tablespoons of wax
One tablespoon of coconut oil
¼ teaspoon of vitamin E oil
¼ teaspoon of vanilla extract
¼ teaspoon of honey

You can use melted sugars or food colorings to add color to lip balm

Preparation To Make Your Own Vanilla Lip Balm

Boil water in a large pot and place the smaller pot into this water for the double boiler method. Take vitamin E oil, coconut oil, wax and add into this little bowl. Warm the mixture and stir them all. Add the honey, sugar and vanilla extract and mix well. After they all mix well, take this mixture from the stove and pour it into small capped glass bottles. Leave it for cooling.

See also  DIY Homemade Peeling Mask

You can these methods are very easy and practical. And they are budget-friendly solutions! Now, how about the make your lip balm?
