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Some Important Information To Know About Medical Care

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Everything You Need To Know About Medical Care… Before you decide on a doctor, find out who practices at the doctor’s office and what the appointment system is.

Discuss any preferences that you have, such as seeing a doctor of the same sex or a specialist in pediatric care.

Seeing a Doctor: Unless it is an emergency, make doctor’s appointments at least one week in advance, when the office is likely to have a range of times to offer you. Remember that there may be a delay before you are able to see the doctor, so take something to occupy yourself.

Planning a Visit
Make a list of points you need to raise with your doctor.
• Symptoms: Pain, Changes in temperature, bodily functions, eating and drinking habits, appearance, or energy levels Stress or depression.
• Reactions and feelings: Allergies, reactions to any medicines taken.
• Requests: Prescription to be renewed or sick note needed.

Utilizing Time
• Giving information: Record medical facts about yourself and your family in a diary. The doctor may ask about family medical history when treating illnesses, so take these notes with you for instant reference.
• Dressing for comfort: If you are likely to undergo a physical examination or have your blood pressure taken, wear clothing that you can easily adjust or remove.

Talking to a Doctor
• Describing symptoms: Use plain language, rather than medical jargon. Mention all symptoms, not just those that you believe are relevant.
• Letting children talk: Let a child describe his symptoms before you add details.
• Concluding an appointment: Be sure that you understand the doctor’s recommendations on treatment. Ask for extra information if available.

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Organizing Home Medicines

Keep a basic medical kit in a safe place so that you can treat minor wounds and ailments yourself. Check the kit regularly, and replace items before they are completely used up. Return any expired or unused medicines to a pharmacy to ensure safe disposal

Stocking Medicaments
• Pain relief: Always keeps painkillers (acetaminophen or aspirin); they will also lower a raised temperature. Also, include a nonsteroidal anti¬inflammatory drug (NSAID) such as ibuprofen. For children, keep acetaminophen syrup; never give them aspirin, except on medical advice.
• Soothing creams: Keep an antihistamine cream for stings and bites, an antiseptic cream for cuts and scrapes, and an emollient cream for dry skin.
• Stomach settlers: Stock antacid pills or liquid for indigestion. Keep oral rehydration formula to give to children who have diarrhea and vomiting.

Maintaining Safety
• Keeping dressings sterile Keep all bandages, dressings, and eye pads in their original wrappers. They should be sterile when applied.
• Removing hazards: Make sure that sharp scissors or glass thermometers cannot fall from shelves, causing injury.
• Protecting children: Always buy products with “child¬proof tops in case children get into the medicine cabinet.
• Sharing medicines: Never take medicine that has been prescribed for someone else, even if your symptoms appear similar. Always complete a course of treatment that has been prescribed for you.

Remembering Medicines

Remembering Medicines
Using a system: If you find it difficult to remember to take medicines, use a system to help draw attention to them.
Sorting a week’s doses: Put doses of pills in film canisters, which keep out air and light. Label the lids to show day and time to be taken. Keep out of reach of children.

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Making a Family Health Log
Organize all the health information for each family member to make a log for quick reference. Update each person’s data regularly.

Keep the log in a ring binder, together with other important medical information such as vaccination certificates and test results.

Information to Include in a Family Health Log
Type of Information Details to Record Dates and Times to;
Personal details: Physical data Note each person’s sex, birth date, height, and weight.
Blood group: Make a note of the blood group.
Allergies: List any food, drug, or object causing allergies, and the resulting symptoms.

Eye and hearing tests

  • Record the dates: Note the dates for renewing any repeat prescriptions.
  • Children’s data: Note the dates of checkups on children’s development.
  • Medications: Record name and dosage of any regular medications.
  • Eyesight: Note the details of prescriptions for glasses or contact lenses.
  • Allergies: Note any preventative action to take for allergies.

Medical appointments

  • Symptoms: Make a list of any symptoms that you need to discuss with a doctor.
  • Causes: Make a note of external factors that may influence symptoms, such as poor air quality.
  • Appointments: Note the dates of forthcoming medical appointments.
  • Inoculations: Record the dates and types of inoculations for children.
  • Results: Note when any lest results are due. Medication Note the dosage of recommended medications, and any other relevant details.
  • Routines: Note any changes suggested by a doctor, such as changes in diet or exercise habits.
  • Hospital visits: Information Record the name and contact number of the hospital,
  • Reference: If a hospital assigns a reference number to a patient, write down this number. Operations, note the dates of operations and specify what was done.
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Record the elates and purposes of any emergency visits to the hospital.

  • Record the dates: Note the date when the problem first appealed.
  • Illnesses or injuries: Details Write down the symptoms of illness or the signs of injury.
  • Causes: Record the cause of an illness or injury, if known.
  • Tests: Note the nature of any tests carried out, and the dates when the results are due.
  • Treatment: Record the details of treatment given at the hospital.
  • Time in the hospital If a hospital stay is necessary, note the duration of the stay.
  • Return visits: write down the dates of any additional appointments for treatment.
  • Action: Ask medical staff for guidelines on coping with the illness or injury at home.
  • Side effects: Record the details of any benefits or side effects resulting from the treatment.

Dental checkups

  • Information: List the details of any problems to discuss with a dentist.
  • Children’s teeth: Note when baby teeth and adult teeth emerge in children. Keep records of any problems.
  • Appointments: Note the next appointments with a dentist or a dental hygienist.
  • Major events: Note the dates of any operations, or when dentures are due to be replaced.
  • Routines: note any suggestions given by a dentist or hygienist, such as changes in daily care.
  • Treatments: Give the details of treatments such as operations or the fitting of braces.
