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Removing Cigarette Odors From Home

removing cigarette odors from home

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Removing Cigarette Odors From Home

Smokers will not feel, but cigarette odors can be really irritating in the home. Sometimes the cigarette smell doesn’t go away for hours although you ventilate the room.

The tar which is in the cigarette smoke absorbed by walls, carpets, fabrics, and furniture. Therefore smell goes away harder. Let’s take look steps of removing cigarette odours from home.

removing cigarette odors from home

If the previous day so smoking in your home, you don’t want to stay in the home because of smell. There is a practical way for removing cigarette odours from home. What you need to do is simple. Pour a package of baking soda in a bowl then add apple cider vinegar slowly in it. Place this mixture smoking environment in your home. Cider vinegar and baking soda will evaporate and remove cigarette odors from home.


You can use scented candles in the room that you smoke. Or you can use room scents too. These will suppress the smell of cigarettes.

removing cigarette odors from home

If your home smells like a cigarette orange and lemon slices can be a solution for removing cigarette odors from home. You can place a few lemon and orange slices in the room that cigarette is smoked. The slices can stay for a maximum of two days, don’t forget to refresh.

Use Coffe To Remove Cigarette Odors

Another way for removing cigarette odors is coffee. Coffee does not just help us to wake up in the morning; it also has many useful properties too.

Make a few small bags of tulle then put coffee in these bags. Place these little bags for rooms that smoking rooms. It will absorb the cigarette smell and leave a pleasant, aromatic fragrance instead of it. This absorbing property of coffee is used for many unpleasant smells in the home.

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Place a bowl of vinegar in the room that you smoke. Close the door and keep bowls of vinegar inside for 1 day. Then take the bowls from the room. That is effective solution to cigarette odors AT home.
