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Directions for growing tomatoes in pots

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Directions for growing tomatoes in pots

You do not need a big garden for fresh tomatoes, and these vegetables can be grown in pots in sunny environments, and you can get productive vegetables like in the garden. The biggest advantage of these vegetables is that ripen earlier than the garden.

Growing tomatoes in pots become really popular in the last few years. They are preferred because they are healthy. Growing tomatoes in pots is a good way to grow healthy food at home for those living in apartments.

Choose A Proper Pot for growing tomatoes in pots

Pots should be at least 40 cm in depth and width to growing tomatoes in pots. You can prefer the larger pots as you want.

For plastic pots, avoid using dark colors, these colors absorb sunlight and can cause burn the roots in the soil. Wood and pottery pots don’t transfer heat as well as plastic pots.

Choose Soil for growing tomatoes in pots

It is really important to use quality soil while growing tomatoes in pots. Because these plants are not in the garden, they only feed on the soil in the pot. You should use special pot soils with fertilizers. You can benefit from calcium supplements or special fertilizers for more effective growing. Calcium is one of the most important supplements for growing a healthy tomato.

Don’t fill the pots completely. Leave free space for 2-5 cm. This place is separated for mulch. Shredded bark, organic fertilizers can be used as mulch. Mulch prevents moisture loss from the soil and keeps temperature cold, effective for growing tomatoes in pots.

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Seedlings will be deep in your pots and soil should cover the body. Seedlings may look small in larger pots, but within 4 weeks plants will fill your pot. After you finish planting, you should support tomatoes with place rods. Alternatively; you can use tomato cages too.

Keep the soil constantly moist is important for growing tomatoes in pots. Watering plants more frequent while they are growing. Be sure that the water reaches to the root of the plant. Fertilizers reduce with watering. Frequently add fertilizer to prevent loss.
