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How Can I Clean The Bathroom?

How Can I Clean The Bathroom?

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Clean The Bathroom?

Bathrooms need daily cleaning. Encourage members of your household to clean sinks and bathtubs after they have used them. Dirty bathrooms are unattractive and unsanitary. They are also more difficult to clean if left dirty.

Bathroom-Cleaning Kit
Store your bathroom-cleaning kit in the bathroom ready for everyone to use after they have finished. Rinse sponges, cloths, and toilet brushes after each use. If bathroom sponges become slimy from a buildup of soap, soak them in white vinegar and water, and wash them in the washing machine. Flush toilet cleaner away before using the toilet; otherwise, splashes might damage the skin.

Baths, Showers, and Sinks
Dishwashing liquid is fine for cleaning baths, showers, and sinks; you do not need special cleaners. Wipe around immediately after use to keep these areas clean. Prevent condensation in bathrooms by running cold water into baths before running the hot water.

Other Bath Types
• Enamel and porcelain: Clean with a nonabrasive cleaner – harsh abrasives will dull the bath’s surface. Rub stubborn marks with turpentine. Rinse with a solution of hot water and dishwashing liquid.
• Fiberglass: Treat carefully, as the color is in the surface coating only. Use dishwashing liquid – avoid abrasives, metal polish, and harsh cleaners.
• Shower doors: Remove hard-water deposits by wiping with white vinegar. Leave for 30 minutes, then rinse.
• Shower curtains: These tend to develop mildew, which can be removed by soaking in a bleach solution, rinsing, and hand or machine washing. Remove soap buildup by soaking in warm water with a little fabric softener.

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Removing scratches rub with metal polish.: For deep scratches, rub with ultrafine wet-and-dry sandpaper, then finish off with metal polish.

Bathroom Sinks

Drains Pay special attention to sink drain holes and overflows. Clear with a bottle brush, and pour a little bleach down them once a week.

Stains on Baths and Sinks
• Blue-green marks These are caused by the minerals in water from dripping faucets. Use a vitreous enamel cleaner to clean enameled surfaces.
• Rust marks Remove using a commercial bath-stain remover that contains scale remover.
• Hard-water marks Use a vitreous enamel cleaner on enameled surfaces, and cream cleaner on acrylic surfaces.
• Tidemarks Rub bad marks on enamel and acrylic with turpentine, then rinse with a dishwashing liquid solution.

Cleaning The Bathroom

Clean faucets regularly so that dirt does not build up. For chrome faucets, remove greasy marks with dishwashing liquid, and serious marks with metal polish; restore dulled old chrome with special chrome cleaner for cars. Clean rubber plugs with turpentine.

Cleaning Bathroom Faucets Effectively
Removing scale: Where scale builds up on chrome faucets, rub with half a lemon until the scale disappears. Rinse thoroughly, then buff dry.

Gold-plated faucets: Wipe with a barely damp cloth after each use. Do not rub. Never use a metal polish, because it will damage the finish.

Showerheads: Cleaning Unscrew showerheads from time to time and rinse out hard-water scale. Rub deposits with white vinegar.

Descaling faucets
Tie a plastic bag or a yogurt cup containing vinegar or descaler over the faucet. Leave until the scale is dissolved, then rinse.
Cleaning faucet bases Use an old, clean toothbrush dipped in a cream cleaner to get rid of the deposit and grime that builds up behind faucets.

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Clogged showerhead
Soak in a bowl of warm, undiluted vinegar or descaler. Use a toothbrush or darning needle to clean blocked holes.

Brush toilets thoroughly each day. Wipe the seat, tank, and outside of the bowl once a week, and clean the bowl with a commercial toilet cleaner. Do not regularly use bleach to clean a toilet; if left for any length of time it may cause crazing or crack in the glaze.

Heavy-Duty Cleaning
• Dirty toilets: Use a toilet brush with a rag tied firmly over the head to push the water out of the bowl. Bale out the last bit, then clean the bowl thoroughly with bleach. Flush immediately.
