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How to Remove Biological Stains Easily?

Biological Stains

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Remove Biological Stains

The most important point about biological stains is that they should be treated immediately because they can be difficult to remove if they are allowed to be set. Additionally, they invariably carry unpleasant smells that tend to linger if the stain is not cleaned up as quickly as possible.

Blood Stains

Blood is a combination stain that soaks into surfaces and leaves a deposit on top, which cannot be scraped off. However, it should be wiped off with a clean cloth immediately. After that, treat the colored stain.

General treatment: Sponge the area with cold water and blot dry. Repeat until the stain disappears. If this does not work, use a carpet-spotting kit followed by an application of carpet shampoo.

Stains on Clothes: Soak in a hydrogen peroxide solution with 2.5 ml (tsp) of added ammonia. (Do not use on nylon.) On carpets, use a glycerin solution, then treat it as fresh stains. On untreated wood, bleach stains with diluted household bleach, then stain the wood to its original shade.

Urine Stains

Urine leaves an unpleasant stain that can result in a permanent mark and smell if it is not treated immediately. However, correct treatment is usually successful, so if this is a recurring problem in your household, keep the remedy on hand.

Removing Marks

Biological stains can also be addressed according to what the stain is on.

Stains on Leather Shoes

Fresh stains: Wipe polished shoes with a cloth wrung out in warm water. When dry, buff the shoes well, then polish them.

Wipe the biological stains gently with a damp cloth. Brush the damp area with a suede brush. On dry biological stains, use a shoe salt stain remover. Brush with a suede brush between applications.

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Stains on Carpets

remove biological stains

  • Fresh Biological Stains: Use a carpet cleaner containing deodorant. Alternatively, sponge with cold water, pat dry, then rinse with a little antiseptic added to a bowl of cold water.
  • Dried Biological Stains: Treat as for fresh stains to remove the smell and the mark. Raise any faded color by sponging with a mild ammonia solution.

Bio Stains On Clothes

Colored fabrics: Rinse in cold water, then launder according to fabric type.
Pale fabrics: Bleach dried urine stains with a hydrogen peroxide solution, to which a few drops of ammonia have been added. Alternatively, soak the item in enzymatic detergent, or use a commercial stain remover.

Tip: For more detailed information on the biological stains problem, which we have discussed in general here, please click on the “tags” below.
