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A Few Solutions to Home Storage Problems

Home Storage Problems

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Home Storage Problems

When handling home storage problems, the first step is to assess which items need to be near at hand and which are used only rarely. Organize storage areas so that everyday items are easily accessible, and less frequently used objects are stored in less accessible places.

Storage Problems: Organizing Long-term Storage

For long-term storage, select areas outside of your regular luggage. For example, use suitcases for storing items that are only needed for certain activities. Utilize all available space, including rarely used containers such as suitcases, by leaving them on a bed when they are not in use.

Packing Other Items

  • Keeping blankets: Wrap woolen blankets in several sheets of newspaper. Seal the open edges of the paper with packing tape to protect them from moths.
  • Protecting hats: Store hats in hat boxes, which can be kept in any dry place.
  • Keeping leather bags: Clean the outsides and insides of leather bags. Fill them with tissue paper so that they keep their shape and do not crease. Put the bags in a cardboard box and store them in a cool, dry place to protect the leather from mold.

Storage Problems: Storing Rarely Used Items

Secluded or hard-to-reach places, such as a loft or high shelf, can be used to store things that you seldom need. To remind yourself of the location of an item, note it on a sheet of paper and file the paper with a home maintenance log if you have one.
storage at home

Storage Problems: Storing Items for a Season

Packing clothes: Designate an area for clothes that you do not need for part of each year. For example, one space could hold sweaters in the summer and lightweight clothes in the winter. Wash the clothes and make any necessary repairs before packing them.

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Keeping leisure equipment: Some items used for a limited season, such as surfboards and skis, are bulky. Hang them in a shed or little-used part of the house. If you do not often use such items, consider renting them when necessary.

Tip: Here, we have discussed only the simplest solutions to storage problems. For more information, please click on the “tags” below.
