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Why are the Pictures on Facebook Pages Linked?

Why are the Pictures on Facebook Pages Linked?

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Linked Pictures on Facebook

You should notice that many pictures on Facebook are linked to go to a page when they are clicked. This is especially true for many of the pictures shared on Facebook pages and groups. Why are the pictures on Facebook linked?

There are usually two reasons for this.
1- The format of the information that is intended or to be presented is not suitable to present on Facebook. Therefore, the original page is intended to be accessed by this image. There may be various situations that may reveal this necessity:

  • The target page may be protected by copyright,
  • Due to limitations imposed on Facebook, it may be necessary to go to the original source,
  • There may be a picture or map of a size that not allowed on Facebook,
  • There may be a paid ad link,
  • The content or image may be prepared in an advanced format that does not work on Facebook.
  • … And so on …

    2- Linking the image may also be a security measure that protects the internet users. As you know, everyone on the Internet is not well-intentioned. People who want to harm internet users in a variety of ways can also use the pictures on Facebook for malicious purposes. Pictures can be linked-to avoid these dangers.

  • Some people steals the pictures from Facebook pages and groups.
  • They use these pictures to trick internet users.
  • To prevent pictures from being looted, admins add some useful links to the pictures.
  • Because; Link-added pictures can not be stolen easily, anymore.
  • See also  How to SHARE on Facebook, Pictures and Videos

    Why is Facebook acting so weird?

    Sometimes, when you click on a link to a non-Facebook site, a “warning” appears on Facebook: “Are you sure you want to go to this site? just go to the secure sites.” … Why does Facebook do this warning? Is the site to be visited “unsafe”? No, nothing like that. It is just because, Facebook wants to keep the users on its own pages and tries to prevent the users from going to other sites.

    To do this, they use a way to scare the internet user. Well, is this behavior suitable for ethics and internet freedom? Of course not. All developers in the Internet world expect Facebook to abandon such misconduct.

    Despite everything, we love Facebook and wish her to be in peace with the world of the Internet, outside herself.


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    Also see:
    How to SHARE Pictures and Videos on Facebook?

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    Tip: Here, we have discussed a simple issue about Linked Pictures on Facebook Pages. For more information and useful tips about computers and Internet, simply click on the “tags” below.
