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7 Ways To Use Coffee Grounds

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Seven ways to use coffee grounds

Coffee is indispensable for many people, especially in the morning. Coffee is the best way to start a day. But coffee has other properties too. You can use coffee for multi-purposes in your home.

Let’s look the different ways to use coffee grounds

1. Do you want to have shinier hair? I think every woman wants this! Haircare is one of the ways to use coffee grounds. Apply warm coffee grounds to dry and clean hair, wait at least 20 minutes and then rinse Do this once a week for best results.

2. You can use coffee grounds instead of fertilizer. It strengthens your plants. Embed 3/4 cup close to the roots. Coffee grounds have increased the acidity of the soil. You should be careful about it.

3. One of the ways to use coffee grounds is the removal of bad smell from your hands. Rub a handful of coffee beans in your hand. Then wash your hair. That will remove odors like fish or garlic.

4. Coffee grounds are also removing the odors from your refrigerator. They have good odor absorption properties. You just need to place a box of coffee grounds in your refrigerator. You can see the difference!

ways to use coffee grounds

5. One of the ways to use coffee grounds for furniture is to hide scratches. It is a useful method just on furniture with a dark color. Take a bowl of coffee ground and dip a cotton swap in it. Then dab this swap on the scratches to fill and hind them.

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ways to use coffee grounds

6. You can clean your car with coffee grounds. Place a little bag full of coffee ground into your vehicle. This bag will remove the bad odors like a cigarette from your car.

7. There are some ways to use coffee grounds in kitchen and meals too. You can flavor the meat with coffee grounds. Especially used for lamb stew for taste and coloring.
