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How to Master Your Fear in 7 Steps?

Master Your Fear

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How to Master Your Fear?

Fear is a natural part of life that we cannot avoid. It is our innate reaction when something threatens our lives or the state of comfort and stability we are in. Rather than avoiding or running away from it, the best approach is to learn to master it. By mastering your fear, you can find ways to control your reaction to it and face it head-on instead of allowing it to control and paralyze your life.

Here are seven steps to follow in order to master your fear:

1- Face your fear:

Instead of avoiding the things that scare you, face them head-on. As you repeatedly do this, your fear will slowly dissipate, and you will gain confidence.

2- Realize that fear is only in your mind:

Fear is often based on false evidence that appears real. It is important to remember that you have control over your fear and not the other way around. When you feel afraid, acknowledge your fear, but don’t stop there. Reflect on the worst-case scenario and realize that your fear may be unjustified.

3- Determine your three biggest fears:

It is said that we all have three primary fears that lead to all of our other fears. Write down your three biggest fears and make a plan to overcome each one. It is crucial to understand and know what you are dealing with so that you can take steps to overcome it.

4- Bank on the positive things in your life:

Due to the stress and busyness of everyday life, it is easy to overlook the good things happening around us. Make a habit of writing down three positive things in your life every day for a month: one good thing that happened to you, one thing you are grateful for, and one good deed you did for someone. This will help you focus on the positive and reduce your fear.

5- Prepare yourself for the bad times:

Life is full of ups and downs, and it is important to find a way to manage your fears during the downs. Look to fearless people for inspiration and acquire the traits of resilience and courage to help you master your fears.

6- Aim to be great:

Take a moment to reflect on your strengths and weaknesses and determine the steps you need to take to achieve your goals. Manage your risk levels to increase your chances of success.

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7- Celebrate little and big victories:

As you work towards your goals, you will experience both victories and failures. Write down insights and learnings from your failures and celebrate both small and big victories. This will help you stay grounded and keep your fears in check.

Remember, fear of failure should not stop you from taking action. The number one destroyer of dreams is lack of action caused by fear. Fear is a common emotion, but the key is to manage and overcome it. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take, so don’t let fear hold you back! Keep these seven steps in mind and take control of your fears.
