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DIY Homemade Hair Mask

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Homemade Hair Mask

homemade hair masks are really easy to prepare and done with the ingredients in your kitchen. It is both natural, and you do not have to spend extra money on it.

There are many recipes for preparing homemade hair mask. Let’s take a look at some of them.

Homemade Hair Mask Recipes

Egg Mask for Hair

The egg is a protein-rich food. When they are used in hair masks, Proteins in eggs nourish hair roots and make hair growth. Egg mask is effective homemade hair mask.

– One egg yolk
– One glass of milk
– 1 lemon
– Two tablespoons of olive oil

Take one glass of milk and two tablespoons of olive oil in a bowl and mix them well. Then add the egg yolk and beat into mixture. Add the juice of one lemon.

Apply this mask to scalp and hair by massaging. Wait at least 5 minutes. Then wash your hair with warm water to rinse egg from your hair. Then you can use a mild shampoo.

Banana Mask for Hair

Banana is another natural source for the homemade hair mask. It is rich in potassium, vitamins, and antioxidants. A homemade banana hair mask prevents hair breakage, and banana gives moisture to your hair.

– Two ripe bananas
– One tablespoon coconut oil
– One tablespoon olive oil
– One tablespoon honey,

Crush two ripe bananas to make a paste. Be sure that you have mashed them properly.
Then add honey, coconut oil, and olive oil in mashed bananas. Mix again.
Apply this mixture to your hair and wait at least 5 minutes.
Rinse thoroughly with warm water. Since banana smells well, you do not have to use shampoo.

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Yoghurt Mask for Hair

Yoghurt is another good ingredient for the homemade hair mask. Yogurt is good for controlling excessive oily hair scalp. Also, it has moisturizing properties.

– Half a cup of yogurt
– One teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
– One teaspoon honey

– Mix yogurt, apple cider vinegar, and honey in a bowl.
– Apply this mixture to your hair and scalp.
– Wait at least 15 minutes and rinse with hot water.
– Then you can wash your hair with shampoo if you want.

Homemade Hair Mask As you see, making homemade hair mask is really easy with the ingredients in your kitchen.

