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How Can I Clean Wear And Tear Marks?

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How Can I Clean Wear And Tear Marks? Wear And Tear Marks are inevitable around the home. However, some problems, such as mildew, need to be controlled; otherwise, they may require professional treatment and can cause permanent damage to household items.

How Can I Clean Wear And Tear Marks? Mildew Patches

Mildew tends to occur in damp parts of the growth of spores, which makes surfaces look home and should, if possible, be caught as if they are covered in small dirty patches, in the early stages. It appears as an unsightly Left unchecked, mildew develops a deposit.

On Clothes
• Whites: Bleach mildew with a hydrogen peroxide solution does not use this treatment on nylon. Soak natural fabrics in a household bleach solution.
• Colors: Dampen, then rub with a bar of solid soap. Let dry in the sun before laundering. Repeated washing will get rid of any remaining marks, and a specialized stain remover can be used on white and colorfast fabrics.

On Walls
General treatment Wash the whole wall (even areas where mildew does not show) with a mild detergent solution. Wipe the wall with a solution of commercial bactericide (a paint pad is good for this).

Tackling Corners
Sponge carefully into corners of rooms. Be extra careful near windows in bathrooms and kitchens, where condensation could form po8ls that encourage mildew growth to develop.

On Lace
Using Household Soup:
Rub the lace with soap so that a film develops. Leave in the sun for several hours, then rinse.

tear marks

On Furniture
Removing marks Remove mildew spores as described below. If marks remain, have slipcovers dry cleaned. Apply a hydrogen peroxide solution to upholstery, then rinse thoroughly.

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Killing Mildew Spores
Brush off as many of the spores as possible, then spray the item with a commercial solution

On Leather
General treatment Leather shoes, furniture, bags, and luggage all attract mildew in storage. Remove using the treatment below, then apply a coat of hiding food or shoe polish. Rub in and buff well.

Sponge mildew with 1 tbsp (5 ml) disinfectant diluted in 2 cups (500 ml) of warm water. Alternatively, apply an antiseptic mouthwash on a cotton pad. Wipe dry, and buff well.

How Can I Clean Wear And Tear Marks? Water Marks

Watermarking is caused by minerals in the water, and often occurs after an area of a garment has been sponged. To prevent watermarks from forming after removing a stain, sprinkle the damp area with talcum powder, cover with a dry cloth, then iron dry.

On Hides And Wood
On leather: Wipe off rain spots on shoes and handbags before they dry with a clean cloth. Allow it to dry naturally. If salt marks appear or watermarks persist, dampen the area again with a sponge or cloth, then dry by rubbing with a soft, absorbent cloth.

On suede: Allow rain spots to dry, then bash with a soft-bristled brush, or use a suede-cleaning pad or stick on wood.

On Fabric
1. Hold the marked area over the steam from a boiling kettle. Take care not to burn your hands or the fabric.
2. Remove from the steam. Rub the area with a cloth over your finger. Start at the edge and work inward.

How Can I Clean Wear And Tear Marks? Scorch Marks

Scorch marks are usually the result of an accident with an iron left on clothing for too long, or cigarette and other tobacco burns. For severe burns on the carpet, you may need to trim the top of the carpet pile or to replace the burned area with a scrap.

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On Fabric
Washable fabrics Rub the mark under cold running water, using another piece of the fabric rather than your fingers. Soak in a laundry borax solution rubbing gently until clear. %3 Nonwashable fabrics Apply a glycerin solution. Leave for two hours, then sponge with warm water.

Cigarette Burns
Rub burns with fine sandpaper, using gentle circular motions until the mark disappears.

Traditional Tip

Natural alternatives To treat light scorch marks on carpets, boil together 1 cup (250 ml) white vinegar, % cup (50 g) unscented talcum powder, and two coarsely chopped onions. Let the mixture cool, then spread over the stain. Let dry and then brush off. To remove small burns on polished wood, rub the area gently with very fine steel wool, then rub in a small amount of linseed oil. Leave for 24 hours, then polish well.
